Call for expressions of interest to contribute to edited book on Women Leaders in Global Health
There is a growing interest in women’s role in global health leadership. We know that women are the majority of people working to improve health outcomes; in communities, as health care workers, and in non-governmental and multilateral organizations. So why is it that when it comes to leadership positions we have a governance system that privileges men and what can we do to redress the balance?
This ground breaking collection will explore the leadership roles that women currently play in global health, teasing out the routes that women have taken to leadership, the challenges that they have faced, and what has facilitated their journey. It will bring to the fore the stories of women on the frontlines of this struggle from around the world, highlighting and complimenting these stories with theoretical and analytical explorations of the structures and systems that help or hinder the process. The aim of this book is to form a rallying call to arms to redress gender inequality and celebrate the many ways in which women are taking the lead in supporting the health of their communities internationally. It will be a must read for those working in global health or studying the topic.
We are seeking contributions based on empirical studies (e.g. quantitative or qualitative research, literature reviews, etc.) focusing on key issues related to women’s role and involvement in global health leadership in a variety of global health sectors, including: academia, health systems, global health governance, and civil society. The book will be published by Springer in 2020. We are particularly interested in authors from low- and middle-income countries.
Topics of interest include:
- How gender intersects with other axes of inequality, for example race, ethnicity, age, sexuality, (dis)ability, migration status.
- How women’s leadership is thwarted or supported from in a range of different contexts, positions, and starting points.
- Barriers to women’s participation in leadership positions, including lack of value, recognition and respect at work; dual burden of professional work and childcare and household chores; leadership styles and influence on career advancement.
- Any topic related to women’s career advancement and/or leadership.
Expressions of interest should by no longer than 500 words and can be written in the form of an abstract. Include name and organization affiliation if applicable. Submissions from any context and career stage are permitted. Please indicate which topic area your study falls under: academia, governance, health systems, or civil society.
Submit to Rosemary Morgan at no later than Friday 19 April 2019.
28/03/2019 @ 16:42
Will forward expression of interest surely the book will be of interest to women seeing how women are struggling with out any tangible results. Women shouldnot be discouraged the small little things done at local levels means a lot and gradually we will get there.