Honourable mentions in our photo competition

We are delighted to announce the photos that received honourable mentions in our competition.

07 October 2014

Photos were selected for demonstrating diverse contexts from all regions of the world, representing different types of populations and settings.  The photos were selected for highlighting men and women actively on the frontlines of service delivery, whether in the community of facility-based, or for highlighting the collaborative efforts linking women and men in changing health systems.

Photographer: Polly Walker

Title: No na trabadja pa no tabanca (we are working for our village); Traditional Birth Attendants pose after newborn training in Guinea Bissau.

Location: Buba, Quinara region, Guinea Bissau

Photographer: Grace Wilentz

Title: Women of Many Generations (pictured in front of posters displaying information on gender-based violence and related services)

Location: Centro de Investigación, Educación y Servicios (CIES), El Alto, Bolivia

Photographer: Ralalicia Limato

Title: Village health volunteers (Kaders) are doing registration and data recording of a mother and a child in Posyandu (integrated health post)

Location: Posyandu in Cianjur, West Java, Indonesia

Photographer: LVCT Health

Title: Access for all:  Reaching the hard to reach, nomadic, young and old with HIV testing services in Kenya.

Location: Eremit Village, Kajiado, Kenya

Photographer: Chamroeun Som

Title: Nursing Equality Evolves In Cambodia

Location: Angkor Hospital for Children, Siem Reap, Cambodia

Photographer: Foglabenchi Lily Haritu

Title: Focus Group of Rural Indian Men Brainstorming on Spousal Communication and Family Planning Decision-making Strategies

Location: Ujjain Village, Madhya Pradesh, India

Photographer: Amy Iftekhar

Title: Waiting for Care in Northern Nigeria

Location: Outside Maiduguri, Nigeria

Photographer: David Musoke, FHS young researcher

Title: Women take lead in a drama session on health promotion in rural Uganda

Location: Wakiso district, Ssisa subcounty, Bulwanyi parish, Uganda

Photographer: Htet Nay Lin Oo

Title: Me and my project motorbike – A nursing officer arriving at district office on the project motorbike to help review progress on improving maternal and child health

Location: Kibuku District Health Office, Kibuku District, Uganda

Photographer: Bhargav Shandilya

Title: A Teenage Single Mother and Community Health Worker: An Urban Story

Location: Bangalore, India

Photographer: Amref Health Africa, staff photographer

Title: Changing roles: Women helping women to ensure their babies’ health and nutritional status. Women are no longer the passive recipients of health care in Africa, and are now the agents of empowerment.

Location: South Omo, Ethiopia

Photographer: Amref Health Africa, staff photographer

Title: Taking charge of destiny: As well as actively participating in the health workforce, women in Africa are being empowered and are happy to continuously monitor their own and their children’s health and nutritional status, as opposed to seeking medical attention in times of ailment only.

Location: Kitgum, Uganda

Photographer: Shibaji Bose – FHS India

Title: My lens my voice. Minority community woman – who rarely ventures out – learns to use a camera during a Photo Voice fortnightly group meet

Location: Dakhshin Durgapur village of Patharpratima Block in the Indian Sundarbans

Photographer: Carol Bales, CapacityPlus and IntraHealth International

Title: Future Obstetric Nurse?

Location: Kumasi, Ghana

Photographers: Katherine Lin & Anita Thurakal

Title: I’m a feminist because…

Location: Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland, USA


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