Join us in Cape Town for our panel on gender, ethics and health systems

Like many others we are getting excited about the upcoming Global Symposium on Health Systems Research which will take place in Cape Town at the end of September/beginning of October. If you are attending please do come and join us for our panel presentation, “New frontiers in advancing gender analysis in health systems research: context embedded approaches; intersectionality; and engagement with power and ethics.” The panel will take place on the 3 October, from 0930 to 1100 on the Roof Terrace.

20 August 2014

Gender in health systems research needs to go beyond approaches that “add women and stir” or analyses health indicators by sex

The panel will illustrate three methodological approaches: 1) embedded approaches (analysis that is relevant to context, owned by local partners and where appropriate cross-sectoral); 2) intersectionality (presenting research that assesses how gender intersects with other axes of inequality, such as age, poverty, education, geography, disability and sexuality); and 3) the inter-related nature of gender and ethics in research, policy and practice.

Super speakers

We will be led by an excellent panel of specialists:

Panel themes

The target audience for the session includes health system researchers and research users. Key lessons from the panel will be documented in a learning brief, containing key references and resources and shared with all. Discussions will be clustered around key themes:

Context embedded approaches:

  • To what extent can we generalise lessons from context embedded approaches beyond their immediate contexts.
  • What research approaches can best assess broad structural drivers of health determinants and build evidence to support  multi-sectoral engagement  beyond health.
  • What are the implications for sustainability and reflective practice in health systems research and practice?


  • What are the lessons learnt on methods, processes and capacities for intersectional research which capture how gender interacts with other axes of inequity (e.g. age, disability and poverty).
  • What are the implications for analysis and engagement of different stakeholders in the research process and for translating such research into action?

Gender, power and ethics:

  • How do power relations, gender and other axes of inequality feature within key ethical concerns in health systems research?
  • What are the approaches taken by researchers to strengthen ethical practice when inequitable power relations, gender and social exclusion are observed?

We hope to see you there. If you have any advance questions or comments about the session please contact us on

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