How is gender addressed in the governance of the Kenyan health system?
The importance of taking account of gender in the attainment of good health outcomes is well documented. Engendering health systems governance would not only lead to better health outcomes for people of various genders
but also potentially harness the power of the health system to act on gender inequity in society more broadly.
Health systems governance has three broad frameworks, legal; planning; and political. The legal framework is largely bounded by the constitution of Kenya and the auxiliary health act (Health Act no. 21 of 2017). The political
governance framework is shaped by nascent political agenda in health, while the planning framework is guided by technical plans and documents in health.
Where possible, this brief analyzes effort to ensure gender balance within health governance structures and the extent to which the architecture of health governance promotes a gendered approach. It ranks governance laws,
policies and guidelines in accordance with a continuum of approaches to action on gender and health. It suggests measures that can be taken to make these policies more gender equitable.