RinGs Small Research Grants Recipients: Gender, Ethics, and Health Systems

RinGs recently held a competitive call among our three RPCs – Future Health Systems, ReBUILD and RESYST – to submit proposals for small research grants on gender, ethics and health systems issues relevant to low and middle-income countries (LMICs), and we are delighted to announce the recipients!

12 February 2015

RinGs recently held a competitive call among our three RPCs – Future Health SystemsReBUILD and RESYST – to submit proposals for small research grants on gender, ethics and health systems issues relevant to low and middle-income countries (LMICs). The small grants are part of a larger initiative and learning platform which aims to galvanise gender and ethics analysis within health systems research and improve the knowledge base on gender aware approaches to health systems research.

The research projects address one of the core spheres of health systems research addressed by the RPCs: care-seeking and service delivery; financing and contracting; governance; human resources; and deepen gender analysis approaches by pursuing one or more of the following:

  • Embedded approaches (making sure analysis is relevant and owned by local partners);
  • Cross-cutting work (exploring how gender intersects with other axes of inequality, such as age, poverty, geography, disability and sexuality);
  • Ethics in addressing power relations and social exclusion in health systems research. 

We are delighted to announce the recipients of our small research grants, which will be carried out between March 2015 and February 2016:


Care-seeking and service delivery

  • Are Women of Indian Sundarbans Living in Dark: A Gender Analysis of Eye Health Problems, Debjani Barman – Institute of Health Management Research, Kolkata, India
  • Applying intersectionality to explore gender dynamics in access and utilisation of maternal and newborn services among internal migrants settled in the sugar-cane growing region of Masindi district, Uganda, Richard Mangwi – Makerere University, School of Public Health, Uganda
  • Strengthening male involvement in the prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV/AIDS (PMTCT) in Enugu State, Nigeria, Ezumah Nkoli Nwakego – University of Nigeria, Nigeria
  • Gender Difference in Family Health Care for the Elderly in China, Xiaoning Hao and Liu Tianyang – China National Health Development Research Centre, China


  • Understanding male involvement in the implementation of maternal and child health care interventions: The case of National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF/KfW) prepaid insurance card for pregnant women in Pangani District-Tanzania, Fatuma Manzi, August Kuwawenaruwa, Tani Kassimu, and Jitihada Baraka – Ifakara Health Institute, Tanzania


  • Examining gender and gender mainstreaming in the policy and regulatory environment of nursing training institutions in Kenya, Christine Ngwawe and Ravi M. Ram – Amref Health Africa
  • Examining gender mainstreaming in governance of health service delivery in Tanzania: the case of Mwanza Municipal Hospital, Tumaini Nyamhanga – Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences, Tanzania

Human resources for health


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