Twitter chat: People-centred research methods for health system development
Our colleagues Sarah Ssali, Lucy Gilson and Edwine Barasa will take part in this chat. We hope that you can join!
Kate Hawkins
The Cape Town statement on People-Centred Health Systems suggests that as researchers we should: “Allow the experience of communities and health workers to be heard, through use of innovative research methods that engage and empower communities including participatory action research, photo-voice, simulations and games.” In the chat a panel of researchers working on health systems will explain what novel approaches they have taken, challenges and un-anticipated consequences in the research process and the gains that they think these methods have brought.
How to join in
The chat will take place on Thursday August 20th at 14.00 BST.
If you are not able to attend the live discussion, please feel free to tweet your comments to @H_S_Global using the hashtag #HSR2015. An edited summary of the tweet chat will be published in a Storify post shortly after the session.
Other useful events
If action research and operational research are your thing you might like to join series of webinars by the Harmonization for Health in Africa (HHA) Community of Practice on health systems planning and budgeting.
This Community of Practice is organising a series of capacity building webinars on action research and operational research in health, in an attempt to enhance members’ capacities to promote evidence-based health decision making. Guest speakers at these webinars will be Professor Valéry Ridde from the University of Montreal for the webinar on action research (in French) and Dr Geoff Royston (webinar in English), currently an independent analyst and researcher on operational research in health. Valéry Ridde is scheduled for Wednesday 29th August at 13.00 GMT. For more information on this speaker, see here. Dr Geoff has worked as a senior health analyst for the World Health Organization, among others, and is a long standing member of the Euro working group on operational research applied to health services. The webinar with him will take place on Wednesday August 12th at 15.00 GMT. For more information on Dr Geoff, see here.
To register for these webinars, send an email to copying in and with the subject line: capacity building webinars-action research and operational research in health. They will give you the practical details of how to join the webinars.