Webinar: Health Systems Research Ethics
Health systems research ethics is a relatively new and emerging field, with numerous normative and descriptive questions that have largely not been considered. This webinar will explore the ethical issues arising in health systems research projects which may be unique or nuanced relative to biomedical research.
To further build the field of health systems research ethics and promote scholarship in this area, a special issue of Developing World Bioethics was devoted to it in 2016. This webinar brings together the authors of papers published in the special issue (Sassy Molyneux (from RinGs), Bridget Pratt, Hayley MacGregor, Gerry Bloom, and Abbas Rattani) as well as one of its co-editors (Adnan Hyder) to share their findings and work.
The webinar is one hour and will consist of an introduction, four short presentations by the authors discussing their papers, followed by a question and answer with the authors and a broader discussion on the ethics of health systems research moderated by Joe Ali (Berman Institute of Bioethics).
- Introduction: Professor Adnan Hyder, Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics and Bloomberg School of Public Health; Guest Editor of Special Issue
- Health Systems Research Consortia and the Promotion of Health Equity in Low and Middle-Income Countries, Bridget Pratt, University of Melbourne (Australia)
- Health Systems Research in a Complex and Rapidly Changing Context: Ethical Implications of Major Health Systems Change at Scale, Hayley MacGregor, Institute of Development Studies (UK)
- Research Involving Health Providers and Managers: Ethical Issues Faced by Researchers Conducting Diverse Health Policy and Systems Research in Kenya, Sassy Molyneux, KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme (Kenya)
- What Makes Health Systems Research in Developing Countries Ethical? Application of the Emanuel Framework for Clinical Research to Health Systems Research, Abbas Rattani, Meharry Medical College (USA)
To join the webinar: https://connect.johnshopkins.edu/hsr2017/
Please RSVP: https://goo.gl/forms/Kfwj7NX9vm8myZvz1